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Imaginary CTF 2021 Writeups

Hi everyone, welcome to the Xan0er’s Blog. This weekend, I participated in the Imaginary CTF 2021 and learned a lot of things along with a lot of fun so I want to share that learning experience with you guys. Here are some writeups of the challenges which I was able to solve during this CTF:

Roo’s World


In this challenge, I was given a website. After visiting the website, it saw that it was just a normal website. When I inspected the source code the website, I found the below text:

After doing some research, I found that this is cipher type text called JSFuck. I found an online JSFuck Obsicutator and after decoding this I got the following string:


After some googling about this atob function, I founded that this function is used to decode a base-64 encoded string. So I copy pasted this command in the console command of the google chrome browser and I got the flag:


Hidden PSD

In this challenge, a photoshop file was given in format of PSD. When I opened up this file using the PhotoPea Editor, it looked liked this:

When I removed the the layer of the red square box from the front of the flag, I got the full flag:

So the flag for this challenge is:


Chicken Caesar Salad

In this challenge, we are provided with a text file and it contains the following text:


On the basis of the challenge title and some google research, I found that this is a caesar cipher so I went to the https://www.dcode.fr/caesar-cipher and decoded this cipher. So the flag for this challenge is:


I was only able to solve these challenges since I didn’t got enough time to solve the other challenges. Next time, I will try harder. Thank you guys for reading my writeups. Stay tuned for more upcoming writeups!